Thursday, January 24, 2013

Trends (Jan 14-18)

I know this post is a bit late, but better late than never.  The main concept we covered last week in class involved the different trends or norms that our society has fallen into.  Some of these trends were how normal premarital sex has become, the increased births to unmarried women, the increased number of people living alone, more people satisfying their "needs" through cohabitation, delayed marriages, smaller household sizes, more mothers being employed compared to the past, the divorce rate going up, and many more.  I believe these are all issues.  Yes, some are more serious than others, but as a whole they really show where our society is going.  People may feel that a lot of these issues aren't issues at all.  Trends like these have serious side effects attached to them.  An example that would help these ideas make more sense is the whole idea of being green.  If everyone thinks that they're just one person and they can't make a difference then our planet truly becomes in danger. If everyone believes that not having kids, not getting married, and living alone is no big deal and won't make a difference, then our planet's population will decrease.  These trends need to be taken seriously and not be pushed aside.

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